Book of the Week #11 - A Lady's Guide to Mischief and Mayhem by Manda Collins

Manda Collins’ new genre-crossing book, A Lady’s Guide to Mischief and Mayhem, is a delightful blend of mystery and romance. It’s light. It’s cozy. It’s not for you if you’re looking for deep, dark mystery or emotionally-wrenching romance. But if you’re looking for the kind of book you can curl up with under a blanket while drinking tea, then it might be for you. This is a comfort read, where we know the murder will be solved and the hero and heroine will be together in the end. The writing has a nice flow that kept me turning pages, and I finished the book smiling and feeling happy. I also appreciated the on-page sexy times, which I always long for in more traditional mysteries. If you’re a fan of both mystery and romance, I suggest you give this book a try.

Buy a copy here.
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You may like this book if you like:

-cozy historical mysteries

-romance with heavy mystery/intrigue plot

-low angst (yes, there were murders and danger, but it never felt too heavy)

-antagonists (but not quite enemies) to lovers